school aims to educate the children
making no discrimination of caste,
creed and gender with the following
objectives -
1. To draw out the latent potential
mental & physical for creative
2. To enhance their mental and physical
capacity so that they may fit themselves
into the ever -
changing social system.
3. To inculcate a sense of co-operation,
collaboration and coexistence so
that they may
maintain harmony in the society.
4. To provide them a strong moral
background to check the erosion
of values.
5. To impart education in such a
way that their appetite for knowledge
is ignited and an insight
into the subject is developed.
6. To train up them in Yoga, Games
& Sports which may develop in
them leadership quality with
sound health.
7. To cultivate a sense of nationality
and feelings of indianity to preserve
and continue our
• We wish students should
inculcate in them devotion towards
the teachers and the school what
“ARUNI” had
• They should be wise enough
• They Should have a sense
of patriotism as “BHARAT”
• They should be intelligent
enough as “SUKHDEO”
• Parents / Guardians should
have co-operation towards the organization
towards “VASHISTHA” |
school management has laid the following
rules to facilitate the smooth go
of school activities and for the
good of students:- |
minimum of 80% presence in
one academic year is a must
to allow the student to appear
at the Term End Exam. In case
of continuous absence for
15 days without prior information
the name of the student may
be struck off from the register.
However, a student can get
relaxation if he produces
sufficient evidence for that.
Any sort of indecent activities
in the school premises or
while coming to or going from
the school will be considered
to be an infringement upon
the school discipline &
under such circumstances disciplinary
action may be taken against
the student concerned. [ prior
notice to the guardian in
this regard is not essential
School fee must be paid by
the 10th of every month. |